
International Advisory Board


María J. Vicent (CIPF Valencia)

International Advisory Board

1. Cameron Alexander University of Notthingham (UK)
2. Marianne Ashford AstraZeneca (UK)
3. María J. Alonso University Santiago de Compostela (SP)
4. Matthias Barz Leiden University (NL)
5. Giuseppe Battaglia University College London and IBEC (UK & SP)
6. Paolo Caliceti University Padova (IT)
7. Michelle Bradbury Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute & Weill Medical College of Cornell University (USA)
8. Vicent J Nebot Polypeptide Therapeutic Solutions SL (SP)
9. Hamid Ghandehari University Utah (USA)
10. Alexander V. Kabanov University North Caroline Chapel Hill (USA)
11. Kazunori Kataoka Innovation Center of NanoMedicine (iCONM). Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion (JP)
12. Maria Kavallaris Children & Cancer Institute Lowy Cancer Research Centre, UNSW (AUS)
13. Fabian Kiessling University of Aachen (DE)
14. Jindrich Kopecek University Utah. Emeritus Prof (USA)
15. Jean-Christophe Leroux ETH Zurich (SW)
16. Silvia Muro University Maryland and IBEC (USA & SP)
17. Gianfranco Pasut University Padova (IT)
18. Chris Porter Monash University (AUS)
19. Jennifer Riggs-Sauthier Independent Industry/biotech Consultant. (USA)
20. Manuel Sánchez-Félix Novartis (USA)
21. Ronit Satchi-Fainaro Tel Aviv University (IS)
22. Ruth B Schmid SINTEF (SW)
23. Sonke Svenson Independent Industry/biotech Consultant. (USA)
24. Tacey Viegas Serina Therapeutics (USA)
25. Ralph Weissleder Massachusetts General Hospital (USA)
26. Rudolf Zentel Emeritus Prof. Mainz University (DE)


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