
13th International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics: from Laboratory to Clinical Practice

ISPT Conference 2022

23rd – 25th May 2022

Event Registration & Abstract Submission


Prices for the Best Oral Presentation & for the Best Poster

About Event

From Laboratory to Clinical Practice

Welcome to the International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics to be held in Valencia.A chance for world-renowned scientists to share their recent research and vision for the future of Polymer Therapeutics to attendees in the context of interdisciplinary research at the interface of biology, chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences, and medicine.

Discussion Leaders ​
Invited Lectures​
Plennary Lectures​

Featured Speakers

The Speakers

Children's Cancer Institute; the Lowy Institute, Randwick. Studio photography of executives and senior researchers.
Maria Kavallaris
Head of Translational Cancer Nanomedicine at Children’s Cancer Institute, UNSW
Professor Kavallaris is an interdisciplinary researcher who is advancing cancer nanomedicine.
Her discoveries have led to patents, and industry and clinical linkages for the development of
cancer therapeutics and devices.

Anand Profile Photo
Anand Subramony​
Vice President of External innovation and Novel Technologies at AstraZeneca
In this role, he leads various cross functional teams and initiatives in the areas of nanomedicine, targeted delivery, new modalities/ tech platforms, antibody drug conjugates and lab automation technologies.

Mustafa Diken
Vicepresident Vaccines and Immunology at BioNTech
Received his Ph.D. in tumor immunology from Johannes Gutenberg University under the supervision of Prof. Ugur Sahin

Susan Napier Thomas
Woodruff Associate Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology
Susan Napier Thomas is a Woodruff Associate Professor with tenure at the Georgia Institute of Technology developing immunotherapeutic drug delivery systems.

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Streaming Event available soon

Event details

The latest and most exciting developments in polymer technology and the biological and clinical disciplines relating to Polymer Therapeutics.

New in Polymer Therapeutics

A chance for world-renowned scientists to share their recent research and vision for the future of Polymer Therapeutics to attendees in the context of interdisciplinary research at the interface of biology, chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences, and medicine.



08.30 AM – 11.00 AM

Registration & Coffee


11.00 AM – 11.30 AM

Welcome & Opening Remarks


maria jesus
Maria Jesus Vicent

CIPF, Conference Chair

Local Authorities

Plenary Lecture

11.30 AM – 12.15 AM

Plenary Lecture

Preventing New Pandemics


Mustafa Dicken

BioNTech, DE

Speakers sessions

12.15 AM – 13.15 AM

Rationally designed Non-Viral Gene Delivery Vectors

12.15 Daniel Siegwart          (UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA)

Improved polymer-based materials for effective delivery of siRNA, miRNA, mRNA, and CRISPR/Cas therapeutics’

12.45 Satoshi Suchida  (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, JP)    Polymer Therapeutics for efficient mRNA delivery


Helena Florindo Univ Lisbon, PT
Helena Florindo

Univ Lisbon, PT

Lutz Nuhn Univ Mainz, DE
Lutz Nuhn

Univ Mainz, DE


Daniel Siegwart
Daniel Siegwart

UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA

Satoshi Suchida

Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, JP

Short talks

13.15 PM – 13.30 PM

Short talks selected from abstracts

15 minutes short talk selected from abstracts on Polymers & Immunotherapy


13.30 PM – 15.00 PM

Lunch & Poster Session

Enjoy our poster exhibition during lunch time.

Round Table Discussion

15.00 PM – 17.00 PM

Round Table Discussion

15.00 – 17:00 Round Table Discussion – Patient Centered Product Design and Market trends for Polymer Therapeutics.


Marianne Ashford AstraZeneca, UK
Marianne B. Ashford

(AstraZeneca, UK)

Manuel Sanchez-Felix June 2021
Manuel Sánchez Félix

(Novartis USA)

Coffee break

17.00 PM – 17.30 PM

Coffee break & Posters-Exhibition

Enjoy our poster exhibition during lunch time.

Speakers sessions

17.30 PM – 18.30 PM

Engineering Polymer Therapeutics for Immunomodulation I

17.30 Susan N. Thomas (Georgia Tech, USA) Engineering Polymer-based Therapeutics for Lymphotropic Delivery

18.00 Lutz Nuhn (Cardiff Univ., UK) Macromolecular Strategies for Enhancing Immunotherapy Responses’


Lutz Nuhn Univ Mainz, DE
Lutz Nuhn

(Cardiff Univ., UK)

Daniel Siegwart
Daniel Siegwart

UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA

Short talks

18.30 PM – 19.15 PM

Short talks selected from abstracts

1 short talk of 15 minutes

10 short talks of 3 minutes

Poster Session

19.15 PM – 20.30 PM

Poster Session

Conference Reception

20.30 PM

Conference Reception at ‘Palacio de Congresos’ Hall

Speakers Sessions

09.00 AM – 10.45 AM

Tackling Childhood Diseases

9.00 Maria Kavallaris (UNSW, AUS)

(UNSW, AUS)  Advanced Therapeutics for Pediatric Diseases

9.45 Maria J. Blanco (Univ Navarra, Sp)

Squalenoyl-drug conjugates for the treatment of Pediatric diseases


Maria Kavallaris UNSW, AUS
Maria Kavallaris


Maria Blanco-Prieto-Universidad de Navarra
Maria J. Blanco

Univ Navarra, Sp

Short talks

10.45 AM – 11.00 AM

Short talks selected from abstracts

15 minutes short talk selected from abstracts

Coffee break

11.00 AM – 11.30 AM

Coffee break & Poster Session

Enjoy our poster exhibition during lunch time.

Speakers Sessions

11.30 AM – 12.30 AM

Novel Synthetic approaches and Exhaustive Characterisation Techniques

11:30  Adam Gormley (Rutgers Univ , USA)- ‘Discovering Advanced polymeric systems by an Automated and AI-driven polymer chemistry platform.’


12.00 Robert Luxenhofer (Helsinki Univ) and Ann-Christin Pöppler (Univ Würzbug, DE) Taking a Closer Look at Drug Loaded Polymer Self-assemblies – Improved Understanding through Complementary Characterization by NMR and SANS


Adam Gormley

Rutgers Univ , USA

Robert Luxenhofer

Helsinki Univ

Ann-Christin Pöppler

Univ Würzbug, DE

Short talks

12.30 AM – 12.45 PM

Tosoh- GPC-SEC

Short talks

12.45 AM – 13.30 PM

Short talks selected from abstracts

1 short talk of 15 minutes
10 short talks of 3 minutes


13.30 PM – 15.00 PM

Lunch & Poster Session

Enjoy our poster exhibition during lunch time.

Round table discussion

15.00 PM – 16.30 PM

Round table discussion

Session in honor to Prof Hiroshi Maeda. Father of the EPR effect and a Giant in our field

15.00 – 16:30 Round Table Discussion– EPR effect and Evolving Concept but a Clinical Reality


Twan Lammers

RWTH Aachen University Clinic.

Speakers Sessions

16.30 PM – 17.30 PM

Advances of Polymer Therapeutics in the Clinics I

16.30 Cristianne Rijcken (Cristal Therapeutics, NL) CriPeC® from bench to clinic. Importance of Imaging in the Clinical process

17.00 Michael Bevilacqua (Amicrobe, USA) AmicidinsTM from lab to clínics in traumatic wounds


Cristianne Rijcken Cristal Therapeutics, NL
Cristianne Rijcken

Cristal Therapeutics, NL

Michael Bevilacqua

Amicrobe, USA

Short talks

17.30 PM – 18.00 PM

Short talks selected from abstracts

1 short talk of 15 minutes

5 short talks of 3 minutes

Poster Session

18.00 PM – 20.00 PM

Coffee break & Poster Session

Enjoy our poster exhibition during lunch time.


20.30 PM

Speaker’s Dinner

Plenary Lecture

09.15 AM

Crossing Challenging Biological Barriers

9.15 Anand Subramony (AstraZeneca, USA)    Precision Medicine: From Bench to Bedside

Anand Profile Photo
Anand Subramony

AstraZeneca, USA

Speakers sessions

10.00 AM – 11.00 AM

Crossing Challenging Biological Barriers

10.00 Ronit Satchi-Fainaro (Tel Aviv Univ., IS) Modulating the Brain Immune System

10.30 Daniel Gonzalez-Carter (IBEC, SP) BBB crossing strategies by means of Polymer Therapeutics



Ronit Satchi-Fainaro Tel Aviv Univ, IS
Ronit Satchi-Fainaro

Tel Aviv Univ., IS

Daniel Gonzalez-Carter IBEC, SP
Daniel Gonzalez-Carter


Coffee break

11.00 AM – 11.30 AM

Coffee break & Poster Session

Enjoy our poster exhibition during lunch time.

Speakers sessions

11.30 PM – 12.30 PM

Engineering Polymer Therapeutics for Immunomodulation II

11.30 TBC

12.00 Helena Florindo (Univ Lisbon, PT) Multivalent Anticancer NanoVaccines


Anand Subramony AstraZeneca, USA
Helena Florindo

Univ Lisbon, PT

Short talks

12.30 AM – 13.30 AM

Short talks selected from abstracts

5 short talks of 15 minutes 

10 short talsk of 3 minutes


13.30 PM – 15.00 PM

Lunch & Posters-Exhibition

Enjoy our poster exhibition during lunch time.

Speakers sessions

15.00 PM – 16.00 PM

Advances of Polymer Therapeutics in the Clinics II

15.00  Marisol Quintero (Highligth Therapeutics, SP) BO-112: local immunotherapy for Advanced tumors. Phase I-II studies.

15.30  Anthony Cheung (Engene Therapeutics, Canada) An intravesical dual-immune modulator for the treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. From Bench to Clinic.


MQ_2021 (2)
Marisol Quintero

Highligth Therapeutics, SP

Anthony Cheung

Engene Therapeutics, Canada

Speakers sessions

16.00 PM – 17.00 PM

New Imaging Technologies

16.00  Fabien Kiessling (Univ Aachen, Germany) Polymer-based Molecular Imaging probes, Theranostics and Companion diagnòstics

16.30 TBC


Fabien Kiessling

Univ Aachen, Germany

17.00 PM – 17.15 PM

Promega-Imaging Tools to study intracellular fate

Coffee break

17.15 PM – 17.30 PM

Coffee Break & Posters Session

Speakers sessions

17.30 PM – 18.30 PM

Do we always need PEG replacement?

17.30  Gianfranco Pasut (Univ Padova, IT)  The role and impact of polyethylene glycol on anaphylactic reactions to COVID-19 nano-vaccines

18.00  Matthias Barz (Leiden Univ, NL) Polysarcosine: Developing a True Alternative to PEG.


Gianfranco Pasut
Gianfranco Pasut

Univ Padova, IT

07.03.2018, Mainz: MAINZ; MAterials science IN mainZ (MAINZ), Excellenzcluster an der Universität Mainz
Matthias Barz

Leiden Univ, NL

Round Table Discussion

18.30 PM – 19.30 PM

Round Table Discussion


19.30 PM

Prizes for best poster & oral communications. Concluding Remarks

Gala Dinner

21.00 PM

Gala Dinner

Hurry Up!

Great opportunities for the active participation of young scientists from around the world through a number of Travel Grants to support attendance.

Days Hours Minutes Seconds

Event Registration & Abstract Submission

Ready for choose your ticket?

News on industrial and medical progress in the transfer of Polymer Therapeutics from the laboratory to the clinic.

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Basic Ticket


/ Attendee

*Please read our term and condition before order ticket

Gala Ticket


/ Attendee

*Please read our term and condition before order ticket

Online Ticket


/ Attendee

*Please read our term and condition before order ticket

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Thanks to the support of all the collaborators for making this Symposium and exhibitors possible and with the power to transfer the knowledge of the sector


Generalitat Valenciana

Polypeptide Therapeutic Solutions

descarga (3)




Iris Biotech



Tosoh Bioscience

Advanced Therapeutics

Macro Molecular Bioscience




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